Git Commit: get a blog
I believe you still remember the very first post, where I told you the difference between get, post, put, patch, and delete requests. In this post, we are going to explore GET requests. First, we will implement a route that gives back data of a blog post given its id. This time we already have all the files existing. Just add the following code in apis > versions >
from fastapi import APIRouter
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from fastapi import Depends
from fastapi import HTTPException, status
from db.session import get_db
from import ShowBlog, CreateBlog
from import create_new_blog, retreive_blog
router = APIRouter()"/blogs",response_model=ShowBlog)
def create_blog(blog: CreateBlog, db: Session= Depends(get_db)):
@router.get("/blog/{id}", response_model=ShowBlog)
def get_blog(id: int, db: Session= Depends(get_db)):
blog = retreive_blog(id=id, db=db)
if not blog:
raise HTTPException(detail=f"Blog with ID {id} does not exist.", status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
return blog
Since our database and orm logic will be in the repository folder. So, let's add the following lines in file db > repository >
def retreive_blog(id: int, db: Session):
blog = db.query(Blog).filter( == id).first()
return blog
select * from blog where id = 1; #id = given_id
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